
This is the cog guide for the ‘TicketTool’ cog. This guide contains the collection of commands which you can use in the cog. Through this guide, [p] will always represent your prefix. Replace [p] with your own prefix when you use these commands in Discord.


Ensure that you are up to date by running [p]cog update tickettool. If there is something missing, or something that needs improving in this documentation, feel free to create an issue here. This documentation is auto-generated everytime this cog receives an update.

About this cog

A cog to manage a tickets system!


Here are all the commands included in this cog (47):

  • [p]settickettool

Configure TicketTool for your server.

  • [p]settickettool adminroles <profile> <admin_roles>

Users with this role will have full permissions for tickets, but will not be able to set up the cog.

  • [p]settickettool auditlogs <profile> <audit_logs>

On all requests to the Discord api regarding the ticket (channel modification), does the bot send the name and id of the user who requested the action as the reason?

  • [p]settickettool categoryclose <profile> <category channel>

Set the category where the closed tickets will be.

  • [p]settickettool categoryopen <profile> <category channel>

Set the category where the opened tickets will be.

  • [p]settickettool closeconfirmation <profile> <close_confirmation>

Should the bot ask for confirmation before closing the ticket (deletion will necessarily have a confirmation)?

  • [p]settickettool closeonleave <profile> <close_on_leave>

If a user leaves the server, will all their open tickets be closed?

  • [p]settickettool createonreact <profile> <create_on_react>

Create a ticket when the reaction 🎟️ is set on any message on the server.

  • [p]settickettool custommessage <profile> <custom_message>

This message will be sent in the ticket channel when the ticket is opened.

  • [p]settickettool custommodal <profile> <custom_modal>

Ask a maximum of 5 questions to the user who opens a ticket, with a Discord Modal.

  • [p]settickettool deleteonclose <profile> <delete_on_close>

Does closing the ticket directly delete it (with confirmation)?

  • [p]settickettool dynamicchannelname <profile> <dynamic_channel_name>

Set the template that will be used to name the channel when creating a ticket.

  • [p]settickettool enable <profile> <enable>

Enable the system.

  • [p]settickettool forumchannel <profile> <forum_channel>

Set the forum channel where the opened tickets will be, or a text channel to use private threads. If it’s set, category_open and category_close will be ignored (except for existing tickets).

  • [p]settickettool logschannel <profile> <logschannel>

Set the channel where the logs will be sent/saved.

  • [p]settickettool message <profile> [channel] [message] [reason_options]... [emoji=🎟️] [label]

Send a message with a button to open a ticket or dropdown with possible reasons.

  • [p]settickettool modalconfig <profile> [confirmation=False]

Set all settings for the cog with a Discord Modal.

  • [p]settickettool modlog <profile> <modlog>

Does the bot create an action in the bot modlog when a ticket is created?

  • [p]settickettool nbmax <profile> <nb_max>

Sets the maximum number of open tickets a user can have on the system at any one time (for a profile only).

  • [p]settickettool pingroles <profile> <ping_roles>

This role will be pinged automatically when the ticket is created, but does not give any additional permissions.

  • [p]settickettool profileadd <profile>

Create a new profile with defaults settings.

  • [p]settickettool profileclone <old_profile> <profile>

Clone an existing profile with his settings.

  • [p]settickettool profileremove <profile> [confirmation=False]

Remove an existing profile.

  • [p]settickettool profilerename <old_profile> <profile>

Rename an existing profile.

  • [p]settickettool profileslist

List the existing profiles.

  • [p]settickettool renamechanneldropdown <profile> <rename_channel_dropdown>

With Dropdowns feature, rename the ticket channel with chosen reason.

  • [p]settickettool resetsetting <profile> <setting>

Reset a setting.

  • [p]settickettool showsettings <profile> [with_dev=False]

Show all settings for the cog with defaults and values.

  • [p]settickettool supportroles <profile> <support_roles>

Users with this role will be able to participate and claim the ticket.

  • [p]settickettool ticketrole <profile> <role>

This role will be added automatically to open tickets owners.

  • [p]settickettool usercanclose <profile> <user_can_close>

Can the author of the ticket, if he/she does not have a role set up for the system, close the ticket himself?

  • [p]settickettool viewroles <profile> <view_roles>

Users with this role will only be able to read messages from the ticket, but not send them.

  • [p]ticket

Commands for using the Tickets system.

  • [p]ticket addmember [members]...

Add a member to an existing Ticket.

  • [p]ticket claim [member] [reason=No reason provided.]

Claim an existing Ticket.

  • [p]ticket close [confirmation] [reason=No reason provided.]

Close an existing Ticket.

  • [p]ticket create [profile] [reason=No reason provided.]

Create a Ticket.

  • [p]ticket delete [confirmation=False] [reason=No reason provided.]

Delete an existing Ticket.

  • [p]ticket export

Export all the messages of an existing Ticket in html format.

  • [p]ticket list <profile> ["open"|"close"|"all"] [owner]

List the existing Tickets for a profile. You can provide a status and/or a ticket owner.

  • [p]ticket lock [confirmation] [reason=No reason provided.]

Lock an existing Ticket.

  • [p]ticket open [reason=No reason provided.]

Open an existing Ticket.

  • [p]ticket owner <new_owner> [reason=No reason provided.]

Change the owner of an existing Ticket.

  • [p]ticket removemember [members]...

Remove a member to an existing Ticket.

  • [p]ticket rename <new_name> [reason=No reason provided.]

Rename an existing Ticket.

  • [p]ticket unclaim [reason=No reason provided.]

Unclaim an existing Ticket.

  • [p]ticket unlock [reason=No reason provided.]

Unlock an existing locked Ticket.


If you haven’t added my repo before, lets add it first. We’ll call it “AAA3A-cogs” here.

[p]repo add AAA3A-cogs https://github.com/AAA3A-AAA3A/AAA3A-cogs

Now, we can install TicketTool.

[p]cog install AAA3A-cogs tickettool

Once it’s installed, it is not loaded by default. Load it by running the following command:

[p]load tickettool

Further Support

Check out my docs here. Mention me in the #support_other-cogs in the cog support server if you need any help. Additionally, feel free to open an issue or pull request to this repo.


Thanks to Kreusada for the Python code to automatically generate this documentation!