
This is the cog guide for the ‘DiscordEdit’ cog. This guide contains the collection of commands which you can use in the cog. Through this guide, [p] will always represent your prefix. Replace [p] with your own prefix when you use these commands in Discord.


Ensure that you are up to date by running [p]cog update discordedit. If there is something missing, or something that needs improving in this documentation, feel free to create an issue here. This documentation is auto-generated everytime this cog receives an update.

About this cog

A cog to edit Discord default objects, like guilds, roles, text channels, voice channels, threads and AutoMod!


Here are all the commands included in this cog (93):

  • [p]editguild

Commands for edit a guild.

  • [p]editguild afkchannel [afk_channel]

Edit guild afkchannel.

  • [p]editguild afktimeout <afk_timeout>

Edit guild afk timeout.

  • [p]editguild banner [banner]

Edit guild banner.

  • [p]editguild clone <name>

Clone a guild.

  • [p]editguild community <community>

Edit guild community state.

  • [p]editguild create <name> [template_code]

Create a guild with the bot as owner.

  • [p]editguild defaultnotifications <default_notifications>

Edit guild notification level.

  • [p]editguild delete [confirmation=False]

Delete guild (if the bot is owner).

  • [p]editguild description [description]

Edit guild description.

  • [p]editguild discoverable <discoverable>

Edit guild discoverable state.

  • [p]editguild discoverysplash [discovery_splash]

Edit guild discovery splash.

  • [p]editguild explicitcontentfilter <explicit_content_filter>

Edit guild explicit content filter.

  • [p]editguild icon [icon]

Edit guild icon.

  • [p]editguild invitesdisabled <invites_disabled>

Edit guild invites disabled state.

  • [p]editguild name <name>

Edit guild name.

  • [p]editguild owner <owner> [confirmation=False]

Edit guild owner (if the bot is bot owner).

  • [p]editguild preferredlocale <preferred_locale>

Edit guild preferred locale.

  • [p]editguild premiumprogressbarenabled [premium_progress_bar_enabled]

Edit guild premium progress bar enabled.

  • [p]editguild publicupdateschannel [public_updates_channel]

Edit guild public updates channel.

  • [p]editguild raidalertsdisabled <raid_alerts_disabled>

Edit guild invites raid alerts disabled state.

  • [p]editguild ruleschannel [rules_channel]

Edit guild rules channel.

  • [p]editguild safetyalertschannel [safety_alerts_channel]

Edit guild invites safety alerts channel.

  • [p]editguild splash [splash]

Edit guild splash.

  • [p]editguild systemchannel [system_channel]

Edit guild system channel.

  • [p]editguild systemchannelflags <system_channel_flags>

Edit guild system channel flags.

  • [p]editguild vanitycode <vanity_code>

Edit guild vanity code.

  • [p]editguild verificationlevel <verification_level>

Edit guild verification level.

  • [p]editguild view

View and edit guild.

  • [p]editguild widgetchannel [widget_channel]

Edit guild invites widget channel.

  • [p]editguild widgetenabled <widget_enabled>

Edit guild invites widget enabled state.

  • [p]editrole

Commands for edit a role.

  • [p]editrole color <role> <color>

Edit role color.

  • [p]editrole create [color] <name>

Create a role.

  • [p]editrole delete <role> [confirmation=False]

Delete a role.

  • [p]editrole displayicon <role> [display_icon]

Edit role display icon.

  • [p]editrole hoist <role> [hoist]

Edit role hoist.

  • [p]editrole list

List all roles in the current guild.

  • [p]editrole mentionable <role> [mentionable]

Edit role mentionable.

  • [p]editrole name <role> <name>

Edit role name.

  • [p]editrole permissions <role> <true_or_false> [permissions]...

Edit role permissions.

  • [p]editrole position <role> <position>

Edit role position.

  • [p]editrole view <role>

View and edit role.

  • [p]edittextchannel

Commands for edit a text channel.

  • [p]edittextchannel category [channel] <category>

Edit text channel category.

  • [p]edittextchannel clone [channel] <name>

Clone a text channel.

  • [p]edittextchannel create [category] <name>

Create a text channel.

  • [p]edittextchannel defaultautoarchiveduration [channel] <60|1440|4320|10080>

Edit text channel default auto archive duration.

  • [p]edittextchannel defaultthreadslowmodedelay [channel] <default_thread_slowmode_delay>

Edit text channel default thread slowmode delay.

  • [p]edittextchannel delete [channel] [confirmation=False]

Delete a text channel.

  • [p]edittextchannel invite [channel] [max_age] [max_uses] [temporary=False] [unique=True]

Create an invite for a text channel.

  • [p]edittextchannel list

List all text channels in the current guild.

  • [p]edittextchannel name [channel] <name>

Edit text channel name.

  • [p]edittextchannel nsfw [channel] [nsfw]

Edit text channel nsfw.

  • [p]edittextchannel overwrites [channel] [roles_or_users]... [true_or_false] [permissions]...

Edit text channel overwrites/permissions.

  • [p]edittextchannel position [channel] <position>

Edit text channel position.

  • [p]edittextchannel slowmodedelay [channel] <slowmode_delay>

Edit text channel slowmode delay.

  • [p]edittextchannel syncpermissions [channel] [sync_permissions]

Edit text channel syncpermissions with category.

  • [p]edittextchannel topic [channel] <topic>

Edit text channel topic.

  • [p]edittextchannel type [channel] <_type>

Edit text channel type.

  • [p]edittextchannel view [channel]

View and edit text channel.

  • [p]editthread

Commands for edit a text channel.

  • [p]editthread adduser [thread] <member>

Add member to thread.

  • [p]editthread appliedtags [thread] [applied_tags]...

Edit thread applied tags.

  • [p]editthread archived [thread] [archived]

Edit thread archived.

  • [p]editthread autoarchiveduration [thread] <60|1440|4320|10080>

Edit thread auto archive duration.

  • [p]editthread create [channel] [message] <name>

Create a thread.

  • [p]editthread delete [thread] [confirmation=False]

Delete a thread.

  • [p]editthread invitable [thread] [invitable]

Edit thread invitable.

  • [p]editthread list

List all threads in the current guild.

  • [p]editthread locked [thread] [locked]

Edit thread locked.

  • [p]editthread name [thread] <name>

Edit thread name.

  • [p]editthread pinned [thread] <pinned>

Edit thread pinned.

  • [p]editthread removeuser [thread] <member>

Remove member from thread.

  • [p]editthread slowmodedelay [thread] <slowmode_delay>

Edit thread slowmode delay.

  • [p]editthread view [thread]

View and edit thread.

  • [p]editvoicechannel

Commands for edit a voice channel.

  • [p]editvoicechannel bitrate <channel> <bitrate>

Edit voice channel bitrate.

  • [p]editvoicechannel category <channel> <category>

Edit voice channel category.

  • [p]editvoicechannel clone <channel> <name>

Clone a voice channel.

  • [p]editvoicechannel create [category] <name>

Create a voice channel.

  • [p]editvoicechannel delete <channel> [confirmation=False]

Delete voice channel.

  • [p]editvoicechannel invite <channel> [max_age] [max_uses] [temporary=False] [unique=True]

Create an invite for a voice channel.

  • [p]editvoicechannel list

List all voice channels in the current guild.

  • [p]editvoicechannel name <channel> <name>

Edit voice channel name.

  • [p]editvoicechannel nsfw <channel> [nsfw]

Edit voice channel nsfw.

  • [p]editvoicechannel overwrites <channel> [roles_or_users]... [true_or_false] [permissions]...

Edit voice channel overwrites/permissions.

  • [p]editvoicechannel position <channel> <position>

Edit voice channel position.

  • [p]editvoicechannel slowmodedelay <channel> <slowmode_delay>

Edit voice channel slowmode delay.

  • [p]editvoicechannel syncpermissions <channel> [sync_permissions]

Edit voice channel sync permissions.

  • [p]editvoicechannel userlimit <channel> <user_limit>

Edit voice channel user limit.

  • [p]editvoicechannel videoqualitymode <channel> <video_quality_mode>

Edit voice channel video quality mode.

  • [p]editvoicechannel view <channel>

View and edit voice channel.


If you haven’t added my repo before, lets add it first. We’ll call it “AAA3A-cogs” here.

[p]repo add AAA3A-cogs https://github.com/AAA3A-AAA3A/AAA3A-cogs

Now, we can install DiscordEdit.

[p]cog install AAA3A-cogs discordedit

Once it’s installed, it is not loaded by default. Load it by running the following command:

[p]load discordedit

Further Support

Check out my docs here. Mention me in the #support_other-cogs in the cog support server if you need any help. Additionally, feel free to open an issue or pull request to this repo.


Thanks to Kreusada for the Python code to automatically generate this documentation!