
This is the cog guide for the ‘Sudo’ cog. This guide contains the collection of commands which you can use in the cog. Through this guide, [p] will always represent your prefix. Replace [p] with your own prefix when you use these commands in Discord.


Ensure that you are up to date by running [p]cog update sudo. If there is something missing, or something that needs improving in this documentation, feel free to create an issue here. This documentation is auto-generated everytime this cog receives an update.

About this cog

A cog to allow bot owners to be normal users in terms of permissions!


Here are all the commands included in this cog (4):

  • [p]su

Sudo as the owner of the bot.

  • [p]sudo <command>

Rise as the bot owner for the specified command only.

  • [p]sutimeout [interval=0:05:00]

Sudo as the owner of the bot for the specified timeout.

  • [p]unsu

Unsudo as normal user.


If you haven’t added my repo before, lets add it first. We’ll call it “AAA3A-cogs” here.

[p]repo add AAA3A-cogs

Now, we can install Sudo.

[p]cog install AAA3A-cogs sudo

Once it’s installed, it is not loaded by default. Load it by running the following command:

[p]load sudo

Further Support

For more support, head over to the cog support server, You can ask in #support_othercogs by pinging me. You can also contact me by private message.